Monday, December 7, 2009

Oh Monday...the day that brings me back to reality. The alarm goes off at 6:55 am every weekday but I usually hit snooze until 7:31. That's when I force myself to get up, dabble on facebook for a little bit, and then throw on whatever I want, usually jeans, a t-shirt, and my dirty (but trusty) ol converse. I don't have anyone to impress and no tacky uniform for me. I cleaned two houses today, the first one was a breeze. It's pretty easy, but the house itself is stuck in the year 1970. Time for some new countertops and kitchen floor? At least they took out the carpet in the bathrooms. The second house was just to makeup for the bad job that whoever cleaned it before me did. With all the soap scum in the shower I'm surprised someone was there to clean at all. Today was a little different for me because for the first time I didn't take my own car! It felt kinda weird, but my boyfriend's car is comfortable..and the heat works. But my car - also known getting fixed right now. Hopefully it will be good as new minus the big dent (which is an understatement, it looks like I got in a wreck) in the front from my apartment's parking garage. Tomorrow brings another day of fixing mistakes and making someones life a little bit easier.

Happy Cleaning!

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